Lewis County Herald Archives (2024)

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Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Sorted by dateResults 1801 - 1825 of 4601

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  • Tennessee 28th District Update

    Sen. Joey Hensley|Nov 23, 2022

    Happy Thanksgiving and don’t forget to shop local on Small Business Saturday Thanksgiving is a special and truly American holiday. What started as a shared Autumn harvest among Plymouth colonists and Native Americans has evolved to include family reunions, delicious food, football and parades. But the heart of the holiday remains the acknowledgement to God for his bountiful blessings on our lives, and the precious gift of gathering with friends and family to celebrate. The celebration now r...

  • Tyrades

    Danny Tyree|Nov 23, 2022

    Please pardon me, but I am always overcome by mawkish sentimentality at this time of year. I cannot contain my gratitude. I am thankful for a paycheck and sunsets and modern plumbing and mobility and rainbows and warm clothing and good friends and conjunctions and… I am thankful that I can do anything you can do better, I can do anything better than you – except get $% show tunes out of my head. I am thankful for eight-month tick-and-flea collars, because the traumatic monthly sprayings do not...

  • Library and Archives installs solar charging bench

    Nov 23, 2022

    There's a new bench near the front entrance of Lewis County Public Library and Archives, on Kyle Street, that is powered by the sun! Manufactured by Sun Charge Systems, the new seating option allows patrons to plug their charging cord into one of four rapid-charging USB ports located on the bench to charge their electronic devices. The system is completely self-sufficient, storing power collected by a solar panel to a built in battery. As an added bonus, the library and archives' free Wi-Fi can...

  • Lincoln's proclamation made Thanksgiving official

    Nov 23, 2022

    by Tom Emery The first Thanksgiving is often associated with the Pilgrims. Over two centuries later, President Lincoln was the first to make it official. The official designation of 1863 is the most lasting of the nine proclamations for a day of thanks issued by Lincoln during his presidency. The idea of a thanksgiving was nothing new. On Oct. 3, 1789, George Washington had issued a proclamation for a day of thanksgiving, scheduled for November 26 of that year. It had been celebrated on various days throughout the nation, as many states had...

  • History of using herbal remedies

    Nov 23, 2022

    The Lewis County Historical Society met November 7, 2022 with a talk by herbalist Meredith Kotelec who gave an historical review on Southern herbal remedies. She is a Certified Herbal Practitioner and teaches workshops. The history of using plants to treat illness in the South comes from a blending of European settlers, Native Americans, and African slave culture. There were different ways of thinking about healing with the mixing of all these cultures based on the natural land and the people who lived here. The Africans brought us their...

  • Archery hunt

    Nov 23, 2022

    Army and Marine Purple Heart recipients recently came to Hohenwald TN to experience a time of connecting and healing at the 9th Annual DoubleCreek Archery event. This event sponsored by Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation (WWIAF.org) was hosted by Dennis Reynolds and Shelley Cohen. With incredible support from this community, these 5 heroes had an opportunity to connect with a commonality of being wounded while serving. These Purple Heart recipients were from SC, GA, KY, AL, and FL. and were...

  • Veterans honored with special program

    Amanda Curtis|Nov 17, 2022

    by Amanda Curtis, Staff Reporter Lewis County Elementary second grade teacher Jan Ammons said it best when she answered the question, What is a Veteran? "A Veteran is someone who, at some point, has written a check to the United States of America for the amount up to and sometimes including their life." A sense of pride exuded from her as she hosted the 2022 Veterans Day Program at Lewis County Elementary School, and it could be seen and felt throughout the gymnasium. As they do every year,...


    Amanda Curtis|Nov 17, 2022

    by Amanda Curtis, Staff Reporter UPDATED: The Lewis County Herald received a call after press deadline on Tuesday evening in response to our inquiry regarding the delinquent notice of the effective date of the new rate of sales tax collection. Kelly Cortesi, Communications Director for the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue, informed us that the State of Tennessee is now suspending the sales tax increase in Lewis County until December 1, 2022. We appreciate their timely attention to this m...

  • South Central Area Fairboard Christmas Parade

    Nov 17, 2022

    by Amanda Curtis, Staff Reporter In case you haven't been to town lately, I'll just go ahead and warn you. Christmas exploded! And, I say that not in the "Grinch" way, but in the "Elf" way. The Grinches would ask why we're skipping Thanksgiving and putting so much energy into Christmas this early. However, if we (as a community) waited until after Thanksgiving to start decorating, we'd be scrambling to have everything ready in time for The South Central Area Fair Board Christmas Parade,...

  • Elks Hoop Shoot

    Nov 17, 2022

    Competition for the Annual Elks Hoop Shoot, the national free throw shooting contest for children ages 8 through 13, will be held at Lewis County Middle School Gym on November 19 beginning at 11:00 a.m. Youth ages 8-13 (determined on date April 1, 2023) are invited to compete in three age groups, 8-9, 10-11, and 12-13, with girls and boys competing separately. Participants can only compete at ONE Lodge contest per year. Then, they must compete—and win—at each level along the way before stamping a ticket to the National Finals. Six National Cha...

  • Grand Jury returns 11 true bills

    Nov 17, 2022

    Lewis County Grand Jury met November 7, 2022 before the Honorable Michael E. Spitzer, Judge of the Thirty-Second Court of Lewis County. The Grand Jury was in session for one day and examined 15 witnesses and found 11 true bills and zero no true bills where the proof justified....

  • 2022 Election Results

    Nov 17, 2022

    Election Commissioner Rusty Isbell reported that a total of 8,372 residents are registered to vote and 3,416 people voted in the November 8. The 2020 Census reported that Lewis County had 12,131 in population. Anyone who would like a copy of election results, by district or overall numbers, can go by the Election Commission office Monday-Friday from 8:00-5:00, or call us at 796-3191. Lewis Countians voted as follows: Constitutional Amendment #1 A total of 2,325 voted yes; 847 voted no. Amendment 1 eliminates any requirement that a person must...

  • Elks host Veterans chili supper

    Nov 17, 2022

    On November 11, 2022 the Lewis County Elks Lodge #2883 hosted local Veterans for a chili supper. In attendance were 15 Veterans and 51 members and guests. Proceeding the meal, the Elks presented a Veterans Ceremony to recognize each branch of our military. Two Veterans, James Peery and Zach McGee each won a beautiful patriotic quilt. These beautiful quilts were made and donated by Gloria Willis Jones of Gloria's Emporium. Two additional Veterans, Tom Kilpatrick and Tony McGee won Walmart gift...

  • Police Report

    Nov 17, 2022

    The following is the City of Hohenwald Police Report for November 3-6, 2022. This is a record of police action and is not intended to imply innocence or guilt of charges placed. Christi R. Hampton, Vaughn Street, Waynesboro, was charged with theft of property on November 3. Curtis R. Cagle, Swan Avenue, was charged with shoplifting on November 3. Anthony A. Hubbard, West Third Avenue, was charged with criminal trespassing on November 3. William C Musselwhite, Mumaw Road, Waynesboro, was charged with driving on a revoked driver’s license on N...

  • Celebrating

    Callie Dunn|Nov 17, 2022

    Birthdays Raymond Siler, November 17 Wanda Nichols Loveless, November 17 Frederick Melton, November 17 Michael D. Wherry, November 17 Sam Durham, November 17 Joe Smith, November 17 Sherry Hawks, November 17 Maggie Thomas, November 17 Sharon Chastain, November 17 Dianne Williams, November 18 Brenda Crowell, November 18 Betty Ann Rodgers, November 18 Megan Laine Staggs, November 18 Guy Ingram, November 18 Louie Prince Jr., November 18 Merissa Schwartz, November 18 Billie Davis, November 18 Stephanie Elowese Fielder, November 19 Wilburn Franks,...

  • Person of the Week

    Amanda Spears|Nov 17, 2022

    Tonya Long Woodward, 46 When I reached out to Tonya to let her know she had been chosen for the Person Of The Week, she said this is so kind. And I thought to myself, she is the most selfless person I know. She does so much for our community and I know it doesn't go unnoticed. But I feel sometimes we need to be reminded of what all she does do. She is an amazing woman. I know without her and Operation Hope's after school program when my children were growing up, I would have never made it. This...

  • Gordonsburg

    Dorothy Warf|Nov 17, 2022

    By Dorothy Warf, Contributing Writer I guess ol’man Winter has finally made the appearance we were all dreading, temperatures have dipped into the low twenties in some areas and probably has caused some water problems for those who the winterizing has not been done to the outside area. I really was not ready for this and especially the drastic change in the temperature. Hopefully this has not had an adverse effect on you and your family. Cars and other modes of transportation also have to be winterized so if you have not done please attend t...

  • One Day at a Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Nov 17, 2022

    By Evelyn Trevathan, Contributing Writer Well it is a cold fall but winter like morning here in our little valley, the temperature was 29 degrees and with the clouds, it looked like it could snow at anytime. Yesterday it was also cold and we did see a few flurries. I have got my coffee and a I have got a good warm fire going in the old wood heating stove. The cats have had their breakfast, they had a bowl of good warm milk this morning, now they are back in their warm beds. When it is cold they always get some warm milk. It has been another...

  • Healthy For Life

    Nov 17, 2022

    The UT Extension Office recently collaborated with Lewis Health Center to host a series of lunch and learn educational sessions that consisted of healthy eating, exercise, and utilizing a self- monitoring system. There was a total of eight "Healthy for Life" sessions that focused on understanding food labels, decreasing sodium and sugar intake, recognizing good vs. bad stats (blood pressure, sugar, & cholesterol), and implementing a daily active lifestyle. Each session included instruction,...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwalds Past

    Crystal Nash|Nov 17, 2022

    November 13, 1952 It was reported that Armistice Day passed quietly in Hohenwald. “As has been the custom for the past several years, Armistic [sic] Day passed almost unnoticed here. Possibly within a few more years this holiday will be completely forgotten by all except the Banks and Post Office.” Radio station WDX of Lawrenceburg, AM 1370, announced that they would would inaugurate a weekly school program from the Hohenwald School building on November 13. The program would air each Thu...

  • Tennessee 28th District Update

    Sen. Joey Hensley|Nov 17, 2022

    New legislation will protect minors from irreversible procedures to change their gender identity The Tennessee General Assembly is at the forefront of a fight to protect minors from irreversible elective procedures to identify as a gender different from their biological sex. New legislation filed proposes the strongest protections in the nation to prohibit physicians from removing healthy body parts on minors or medical interventions that alter a child’s hormonal balance. These practices are e...

  • Tyrades

    Danny Tyree|Nov 17, 2022

    My cousin’s husband owns a funeral home, so I’m anxious to hear his take on a front-page article from the November 4 “Wall Street Journal.” According to the article, morticians are innovating ways to put the “fun” in funeral (including burial plot raffles and “open house” family events featuring food, live music and bouncy houses) – or maybe it was putting the “monument” in monumentally screwed up ideas! I get those mixed up. The article talked about undertakers enticing their potential custo...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Nov 17, 2022

    Link Between Covid-19 and Wireless Radiation (RF) Exposure The National Institute of Health (NIH) published a scientific study in 2021 showing “a substantial overlap between Covid-19 and RF exposure”. This includes wireless RF smart meters, cell phones, wifi, cell towers, 4G, 5G, etc. Exposure to RF wireless radiation weakens “host immunity and increases SARS-CoV virulence”. RF is synonymous WCR, which stands for Wireless Communication Radiation. The study concludes: “RF exposure is a widespread, yet often neglected, environmental stressor that...

  • Veterans Day Parade and Program Friday

    Nov 10, 2022

    Lewis County Elementary School will have a program at the Elementary gymnasium at 9:30 a.m. Friday, November 11, 2022. All Veterans are encouraged to attend. After their program, the parade will start at 10:30 a.m. to march to the courthouse for the Veterans Program there at 11:00 a.m. If it is raining, the program will be held at the Community Building at Memorial Park. All Veterans that can participate in the program will be greatly appreciated. Hohenwald Church of Christ will have a lunch for Veterans and their families. The Elks Lodge will...

  • Memorial donation presented to Library Expansion

    Nov 10, 2022

    Annette Peery has chosen to honor the memory of her mother and father, William T. (Willie) and Vesta Rasbury with a $5,000 donation to the Library Expansion Fund. Her father, Willie, was Lewis County Trustee for 24 years, 1958-1982 and County Executive (Mayor) from 1982-1986 serving in the court house for a total of 28 years. Her mother, Vesta, taught third grade in Hohenwald Elementary School for over 30 years. They both loved, supported, and appreciated education and history. The library is a...

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  • Team Hope battles Local Law Enforcement for Golden Bat

  • Life as Art:Hand-Painted Wallpaper: Interior Portraits

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  • Tyrades! Is country music cool again?

    Danny Tyree

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.